Once removed...........

Last night we gathered around the TV to watch the finale of Hell's Kitchen.
It was nail biter by all accounts for the DePew household. Over the last few weeks Lance and I would make bets over who would be eliminated, who made the best food, who sucked, and who was funny. Last night was no different. There were two finalist - as usual. But, I semi-knew the girl.

Her father is the Citys investment banker, I speak to him on a regular basis. Actually during a Christmas party last year, during casual conversation he mentioned to me that his daughter was going to participate in Hell's Kitchen. I informed him how I LUV Gordon Ramsay - because he is loud, obnoxious and just down right rude. ( Clearly all qualities I luv in my men).

The investment banker and I spent the better half of the evening talking about his daughter, and how she was in school and how she was excited to the show. As the show kicked off I got an invitation in the mail to attend a premier party at his house, to watch the first episode with him and his friends. We were unable to attend the premier party, but each time I spoke with Mr. Investment banker I kept up the general conversation about Hell's Kitchen.

We spoke on and off for the entire season. Each time I would state' Christina is doing great, you have to be so proud.' And like a proud papa he would extended a generous thank you, and comment on how excited he was for her.

Well, last night she WON. Her father was on the show, her mother was on the show. And I sat in my living room jaw dropped open, gasping -'She won! She won! How COOL is that?'

Yesterday, I had to call Mr. Investment guy, we had a maturity, and his assistant answered. I asked to speak with him and she indicated he would be out for a week. I indicated to the assistant how excited I was for that evenings finale, and she too indicated they would all be rooting for Christina.

So there you have it - I am once removed from the new winner of Hell's Kitchen. I wonder if I go to Vegas if I can get the food hook-up??? Perhaps?
I have one more...
The winner of the James Beard Award (another foodie award) is the Chief of Police's son. SWEAR! Patrick Connolly from good ol' Saint Lou...
The Chief went to NYC last month to attend the award show, and spoke about seeing Bobby Flay, and his wife. I asked about Andrew Zimmerman, Anthony Bourdain etc.
The Chief is not a foodie, so he just mentioned how HOT Bobby Flays wife was - the rest of it was over his head. I mean for real, he said the food was 'just fine'.
WHAT? I am sure it was GREAT.
I am going to NYC next Thursday. The Chief is reaching out to his son Patrick, to see if we can get into this restaurant. GIRL SHRIEK!!!
Last one swear - this one is not food related.
The Chief of Police has another son who plays for the Patriots, he is not first string but working his way up none the less. He was kind enough to send my son a few autographed photo's of himself, the team and Tom Brady ( I have no shame).
* As a side note I have met both of the Chiefs son's and they are great guys, really down to earth. There you have I am once removed...I wonder if I am 6 degrees from Kevin Bacon yet??


Lisa said…
That is SOOO cool that you have a connection to the winner of that show.

Oh and LOVE the new haircut.

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