Day photos.

It is my day OFF - yeah! My morning started off a bit rough. I am not a morning person, but my children are - gods way of punishing me. *One would think she was brushing her teeth, don't be fooled - she is just playing in the toothpaste.

Luckily my feet are ready to go for the long weekend, if only the rest of me was. Coffee, I NEED coffee. Must place 'piggies' on the floor and walk to coffee pot...grr.
WAIT...stop the presses. My 7 yr old, who went to bed at 7pm last night, because he was beat from summer play - made me breakfast! SWEAR. He even made me coffee w/ creamer. The child is god sent. I am not sure his father really helped me reproduce him - Lance would NEVER.
*I officially dip his arse in gold, and let him choose the activity of the day. He wanted Six Flags, but the rain will keep us away. We will settle on a movie instead.

Moment of insanity. Why not share a morning photo of yourself? It looks like a mug shot. And this ladies and gentlemen is what we wake up to everyday. Jealous, I know. Too bad we don't have smell-a-vision, my dragon breath matches my nappy hair. Which by the way will NOT get cut today, I have decided to wait until Monday, when I won't have to have Pyper in tow. A shower would be helpful - but it is my day off.
Have a great Thursday....mine is already looking up.
For the smile of the day head on over the Mamalouges and read her post, it had me laughing out loud. BTW - I live next door to 'swingers' - CREEPY.


Lisa said…
You look fabulous. (I've never seen a pic of you before.)

Your son SHOULD be dipped in gold. Most definitely. How very sweet!

Love your tat, btw.

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