New York re-capp..con't

Lady Liberty...standing tall and holding strong. *my great-grand parents went thru Ellis Island, may she stand tall.
Here we are in Central Park, we walked our feet off, but smiled non-the-less.
This is my drunk on the subway photo. Good times!

Nikki and I drunk on the subway. No drinking and driving in this city. I began to LUV the subway.

Passed out guy at the subway. Notice his hands are full. They contain his keys, wallet, money and cigs. I cannot believe no one ripped him off.

On Broadway. Mama Mia was a good show!

My favorite homeless man. I paid him $5.00 and he gave me the 'angry' face. He told me to tell everyone I met that if I didn't get what I wanted then I would send 'him' after them. I found him really witty.

The guy has a SCREW DRIVER in his nose. YUCK!! Part of the side-freak show we had to see in Coney Island. It was well worth $5.00.

Troy (our nephew) won the kitty purse, he is holding for Pyper. He kicked our butts at water guns. Pyper luv's her new kitty purse.

This guy reminds me of the guy off of Lilo and Stitch. The random guy who is eating an ice cream cone. *had to take it.

Yeap, we had Nathans. i hate hot-dogs, so I had a lobster roll. Thumbs up all around! Nathan's rocked.

There is our Naked Cowboy in the center of Times Square. He actually had a guy there taking money so people could get their picture taken with him. He stood in the center of traffic. Just down the road from the M&M Bldg. *whom he is suing at the moment.


Looks like you had a great trip! I have had many drunk trips on the NYC subway (not so many now that I am a boring mom :)). Good luck at your conference and try not to feel too guilty for leaving! Will there be time for a spa trip???

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